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American Cancer Society is Accountable


I’d like to respond to the article that appeared in the May 18th Sonoma Valley Sun regarding the recent Sonoma fundraiser, The Bell Bottom Bash. I am the event chair for this year’s Sonoma Relay for Life. In the past, the Sonoma Relay for Life has been a recipient of funds raised at this super fun event. This year, the Bell Bottom Bash switched things up a bit and their charity of choice was the Rise of the Fallen Memorial, which is a deserving cause, and I have no argument.

What I’d like to point out is that the brief note in the Sun said that the event organizers chose a new cause because they were unhappy with the management of donations by the American Cancer Society. The article stated that the “American Cancer Coalition” (a group for which I can find no record) reports that “only about 16 percent all money raised nationally by the ACS is spent on direct services to cancer victims.” Please note that the American Cancer Society is committed to good stewardship of the funds raised, so we can give with confidence, knowing they are as tough on themselves as they are on cancer.

For every dollar raised, the American Cancer Society invests:

.72 cents. For research funding, cancer-fighting programs around prevention and free services to give cancer patients their best chance to get well.

.22 cents. For community events and programs to raise funds for our mission and offer healing for those who have lost loved ones to cancer.

.06 cents. For general costs and overhead. We hold expenses in check to put maximum focus on our lifesaving mission.

I believe the published statistics speak for themselves. Please support your local Relay for Life event (Sonoma’s is Aug 4-5, 2012 at Sonoma Valley High School) and be assured that the money raised is being spent responsibly. Please continue to give to the American Cancer Society in honor of those you have loved or lost to cancer. If you would like more information on the Sonoma Relay for Life, please email me at

Thank you.

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