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Save Lichau Road Endorsement

Editor:The road on which I travel is famous, as we hold the Road Warrior’s title: “Worst Road in Sonoma County”, as it is filled with pot holes and is a very rough drive. Even with that, we have not been able to get Lichau Road repaved. Our neighbors think that they already pay enough taxes and shouldn’t have to pay more for their road to be repaired, but the County and the Supervisors tell us there is no money, and that they are only able to maintain 219 miles out of 1300 miles that run through this majestic place. The rest of the roads will be abandoned and eventually ground into gravel! This doesn’t make sense to us, and we are clear we want to place our vote in the upcoming election where it will count.

Our neighborhood organization, “Save Lichau Road”, which has over 250 residents, is endorsing Mayor Joanne Sanders for 1st District Supervisor. Mayor Sanders plans to raise money for roads by reducing salaries and benefits by 10%, which will bring together about 50 million dollars that can go towards preserving our roads. She is down to earth in her approach, and wants to look at where the money is going and how to allocate it appropriately. Bravo! It is time to take action!

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