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Why is Joanne Sanders Bewildered?

Mayor Joanne Sanders who is running for Supervisor believes the Sonoma County Airport Board decision not to allow the Leland Ranch public fly fishing operation in the Schellville Airport runway protected zone is “arcane and bewildering”. Unfortunatley she fails to recognize that the board is acting on the Federal Department of Transportation’s recommendation that such use be prohibited in a runway protection zone. What is puzzling to me is the fact that while she admits on her web site that the regulatory process impeded the startup of her business she overlooks the fact that it did not impede the Leland Ranch at all as they simply ignored it! Leland Ranch was built and has been operating without county permits. She also fails to mention the adverse affect a belated Leland Ranch approval will have on the business of the Schellville Airport which has operated for over 50 years in full compliance. The runway will have to close.
The two businesses are incompatible. It is the same for many other situations, selling cigarettes and pornography near a school comes to mind. Whether it be for health, morality or safety it is called zoning. Still bewildered?
So can Candidate for Supervisor Sanders please explain why, even before she is elected, she is an advocate for a new business that does not comply with the process to the detriment of an established business that does?

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    One Comment

    1. Michael Michael

      I fail to see how having a fly-fishing ranch in a wetland next to an airport, which is also in the wetland, is equal to selling pornography and cigaretts next to a school. That comparison has zero validity.

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