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SOSroads Endorses John Sawyer for County Supervisor

Save Our Sonoma Roads (SOSroads) endorses John Sawyer for First District County Supervisor. John is a successful business person, an experienced civic leader and a fifth-generation Sonoma County native. His knowledge about the county’s crumbling road system is significant and has grown since we first discussed these issues with him early this year. He recognizes that as a practical matter this problem will not be addressed seriously unless the county general fund contribution for road maintenance and reconstruction returns at least to the levels of 1990. John has provided SOSroads with a well-conceived plan to reorient county spending priorities to address this economic, public safety and quality of life issue.

Over the last twenty years, supervisors have increasingly neglected their core responsibility to maintain and rehabilitate our roads. Recently the current supervisors have become more aware of the critical roads situation and have begun to address the issue. SOSroads recalls JFK’s observation that “to govern is to choose.” We believe it critical to elect supervisors who choose to take bold and quick action to control county spending, direct funding to roads, and adopt creative solutions to maintain our road infrastructure. Without such action, many of our citizens will be doomed to live on roads from the pre-automobile era.

SOSroads is a Sonoma County-wide citizens’ group that was formed to advocate for an improved allocation of public funds to roads. Fixing Sonoma County’s road system will cost tens of millions of additional dollars annually. Maintaining roads has been a fundamental county responsibility since Sonoma County was formed in 1855. Our economic viability and quality of life are directly impacted by our ability to move safely and effectively on our roads.

SOSroads encourages those who are concerned about our failing road infrastructure to vote for John Sawyer.

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