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Sonoma Theatre Alliance 2012 Thank you Sonoma

Editor:October 8 marked the end of the Sonoma Theatre Alliances Summer Theatre Festival 2012. We are excited to announce that over 4000 tickets were sold to performances this summer. With a population of around 12,000 that means 1/3 of the people here saw something in our beloved Andrews Hall – how cool is that?

When we started this project back in 2009, we knew what we wanted but weren’t sure how Sonoma would respond. But boy did you!! You responded with the purchase of 80 seats and riser packages. When we went to the Rotary with our dream of a dedicated performance space, once again Sonoma responded, and the Rotary issued a $100,000 challenge grant to the community to renovate Andrews Hall. With the Sonoma Community Center behind this amazing project, an outpouring of donations, and
Jean-Charles Boisset’s hosting of the MUSE event, the Rotary Challenge grant has been met! Renovations to Andrews Hall begin on schedule this January! The STA is thankful to groups like Butch Engles’ Readers Theatre, Defying Gravity, and Vox Populi for making donations. We are happy that the Alliance has been able to give back to the community as well this summer. Philip Sales CAPS donated $2450.00 to the California State Parks Association, and Abbey Lee’s Star e Quality Players were thrilled to be able to give $2000.00 to the Sonoma Educational Foundation.

As you witnessed this past summer, there is so much talent right here in this town!With a renovated Andrews Hall as our theatre home, the best is yet to be! The Alliance will be moving to six months of entertainment, May through October 2013. We would love to hear from companies interested in joining us in this expanded adventure. But our biggest announcement is this -In salute of the Rotary Challenge Grant, and our commitment to Andrews Hall, we are donating these wonderful seats to Andrews Hall permanently. As we packed up these seats the other day, we felt the pride and love represented in each of the nameplates. Chairs bought to remember a well loved actor, a mother, in honor of walking clubs, quilting clubs, you name it. And now, even when the Sonoma Theatre Alliance is not in the theatre, these comfortable seats and risers donated by you, will continue providing a truly elevated experience year round.

We would love to hear from you, please take our survey at , we want to know your thoughts and ideas!.

Thanks for your support Sonoma, thank you Rotary, SCC staff, Sonoma Valley Box Office, Kaylyn and Kyra, and all of our summer volunteers!
Jaime Love Executive Director, and our Board, Sue Martin, Nancy Vandegrift, Jeff Dreyer, Philip Sales, Gerrett Snedeker, Abbey Lee, Todd Evans, Nancy Vandegrift, Monica McKey

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