Buena Vista Winery donates $5,796 to the Sonoma-Tokaj Sister City Committee, represented by (from left) Rev. Sandor Farkas, Secretary of the Committee Cecily Wallis, Treasurer Sylvia Toth, President of Sister Cities of Sonoma Bill Boerum, and Committee Chair George Webber; Buena Vista’s Tom Blackwood is at far right. The Sonoma-Tokaj Sister City Committee was created in the spring of 2012, and is comprised of Hungarian-Americans in Sonoma and the Bay Area, as well as lovers of Buena Vista Winery and its founder, Count Agoston Haraszthy, who was born in Tokaj, Hungary. A delegation from Tokaj, led by its mayor, visited Sonoma in September to celebrate the Count’s Birthday and sign the official documents making Sonoma and Tokaj sister cities. To raise the funds, Buena Vista Winery owner Jean-Charles Boisset donated $1 for every bottle of The Count: Founder’s Red Wine sold in the tasting room last year. “I am very grateful for this generous donation from Mr. Boisset,” says Webber said. “The outpouring of affection for The Count of Buena Vista has been extraordinary, and with this donation we were able to put on wonderful events in 2012 featuring Hungarian Culture and History in Sonoma, and to assist in covering the costs of the Hungarian visit in September.” These funds will also be used to offset the costs of a Winemaker Exchange Program between Tokaj and Sonoma in 2013.
Sister pact

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