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What's up with new Chase St. bridge?

Plans to replace the structurally deficient bridge over Nathanson Creek on Chase Street will be reviewed and discussed at a public meeting on Tuesday, April 30. The 6 p.m. workshop, conducted by the Sonoma Public Works Department, will be held at the Community Meeting Room, 177 First St. W.

The existing bridge has reached the end of its useful life and does not have sufficient carrying capacity to safely serve some heavily loaded vehicles, according to city reports. A replacement span over the creek, between Broadway and Austin Avenue, “is needed to provide a safe and adequate creek crossing for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.”

Construction is currently planned to begin in the spring of 2014.

In general, the project consists of bridge removal and bridge reconstruction, placement of curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveways at the bridge ends, drainage improvements, tree removal, retaining wall replacement, striping and other related work. Chase Street at the bridge will be closed throughout construction.

The informal public workshop is intended to provide an opportunity for affected residents and the public to discuss and provide input regarding the project and develop an understanding of what can be expected during construction. A short presentation will be provided at the beginning of the workshop, followed by a question-and-