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True Leadership

Thank you for recognizing what that other newspaper in Sonoma doesn’t get, that a visit to the Springs by a member of the state legislature is a rare event. However, your article in the May 2 edition about Assemblywoman Mariko Yamada’s visit and tour left out an important fact. Yamada came to see the Springs and meet with constituents because long-time Springs activist, and Sonoma County Board of Education Trustee, Gina Cuclis invited her. Cuclis arranged the meeting at the Grange Hall, and organized the tour of Springs’ nonprofits and the former redevelopment area, providing community leaders the rare opportunity to talk to their assemblymember on their own turf.

There are people who get elected into local office who fancy themselves leaders, but all they do is talk. I’m proud to say my wife isn’t one of them.
Roy Tennant

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