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Dogs on Montini Trails


I wanted to let you know that I am yet another dog owner that would love to be able to use those trails.

I feel that most of us that will be using the trails with our dogs will be very responsible.
We will pick up their ‘leavings’, and keep them on their leash.
We will encourage others on the trail to do the same.
If I see any excrement on the trail, even though my dog wasn’t the culprit, I will dispose of it properly.
I feel that Sonoma could, and should be a more dog friendly town.
We have very few places now that we can walk them.

It’s entirely possible that there will be some people who are not as responsible.
But to not allow any dogs at all, for the few irresponsible people, is as logical as not letting anybody drive on Hwy 12 because some people break the laws while driving.
There will always be a few that don’t follow the rules.
And there will always be concerned citizens like me, that will pick up after them.

Thank you
Shelley Richey

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