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Vote YES on Measure B

Editor: As I drive through the towns of Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Napa and the like, I cannot but hope and pray that our beautiful town of Sonoma does not turn into the sprawl of those cities. Please vote YES on Measure B and limit the size of hotels built in Sonoma. That is the only thing Measure B proposes. It does not impact traffic or increase taxes as supporters would have you believe. Once large hotels take hold, our small town character and charm will disappear! Please join those of us who are concerned about preserving our small town ambiance and who recognize the dangers of unlimited growth in our fine city.
Laurie Sebesta
Sonoma, CA

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    One Comment

    1. C.A. Collier C.A. Collier

      The heartfelt letter written by Ms. Sebesta deserves attention. Here (quoted from another newspaper’s letters to the editor) are the professed reasons for disliking Measure B:
      ” It (Measure B) handcuffs city employees, who are paid to determine what should go in, where, how big, etc.” If we, the citizens, are dissatisfied with the direction taken by the council and planners, we are fools if we don’t object. As the writer says, we pay their salaries.
      ” It is unfair to property owners and devalues their investment.” Which property owners would be affected by constructing 25 room hotels instead of 59?
      “It eliminates competition.” Measure B only eliminates giant hotels in Sonoma, not all hotels.
      “Each property should be evaluated by city authorities and citizen groups, and not be bound by a poorly-thought-out law that does not deserve to be passed.” On the contrary, much consideration and legal consultation went into the writing of Measure B.
      If you love Sonoma, vote YES.
      C.A. Collier

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