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Oppose Measure B


The Living Wage Coalition of Sonoma County opposes Measure B that would limit the size of large hotels in the city. We believe the measure could undercut economic growth and job creation.

We are particularly encouraged that the owner/operators of the proposed Chateau Sonoma have signed an agreement with UNITE HERE 2850–a union representing hotel, gaming, and food service workers–that will enable workers to organize without employer interference and the employer has agreed to recognize the union if a majority of workers sign authorization cards.

These new jobs will likely pay living wages and provide economic opportunity for local residents. Employees at the Petaluma Sheraton voted for representation by UNITE HERE in 2006, and the union recently signed a second contract. The Sheraton workers now enjoy some of the best wages, benefits, and working conditions in the hospitality industry in the county.

Martin J. Bennett
Sonoma, CA.

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    One Comment

    1. Ralph Hutchinson Ralph Hutchinson

      So has Darius Anderson signed on all his businesses onto the Union Wage Agreement like Ramekins, General’s Daughter and Chateau Sonoma? How about Bill Blum over at MacArthus is he on board?

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