A diverse cross-section of groups and individuals have come out opposing Measure B because they realize the unintended consequences the Measure would have on Sonoma’s city services and our quality of life. The Sonoma County Deputy Sheriffs Association, Sonoma Valley Vintners and Growers Alliance, Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau, Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce and North Bay Labor Council represent diverse interests covering public safety, agriculture, tourism, business and labor, and they stand united against Measure B because of the long-term, negative impacts Measure B would have on our town of Sonoma. Even 30-year Greenbelt Alliance member Laney Thornton has spoken out against Measure B.
Meanwhile, proponents of Measure B have picked up just one organizational endorsement from a Board of Directors who all live outside of the City of Sonoma and the Sonoma Valley at-large. One of the Board Members happens to be the wife of Warren Watkins, donor to the Yes on B campaign and who has vowed to emulate Measure B in Healdsburg. There is no doubt the Watkins effect helped influence the only organizational backing those in favor of Measure B.
The diverse and wide spread opposition to Measure B derives from the multitude of community organizations and Sonoma residents who see the bigger picture for our community and haven’t bought into the scare tactics or misleading sound bites. It’s no wonder why they will be protecting our quality of life by voting No on B.
Steve Burns
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