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Startling forgotten precedents revealed!

The city council, the chief and city staff may want to consider some alcohol related law already on the books. It appears that regulation, limitation, a numbers cap, and types of licenses have already been considered by the town fathers. In accordance with said city law: all alcohol is the same, the spaces and licenses for alcohol dealers will be regulated and judged for appropriateness, licenses will not be transferrable and alcohol retail/ wholesale licenses will be capped at 10. However, the hours of operation favor those wanting to keep a few in them.

Ordinance NO. 121 Feb. 7, 1912
‘An ordinance establishing for the purpose of regulation only a license tax upon the business of wholesale and retail liquor dealers, defining the classes of liquor dealers, and other persons disposing of liquors; the manner of procuring said licenses; the regulations governing the conducting of said business, the collection of said license tax; limiting the numbers of retail liquor dealers; also misc provisions in connection with said license tax.’

The Board of Trustees of the Cirty of Sonoma does hereby ordain as follows:

Section 1: all alcohol serving businesses are required to be licensed, taxed and regulated

Section 2: all venues serving any type of alcohol, ‘shall be known as a retail liquor dealer’

Section 3: all venues with a fixed place of business that sells alcohol ‘shall be known as wholesale liquor dealers’

Section 4: all retail and wholesale liquor venues ‘shall file with the city their petition for granting.. of a liquor license.. and state the location, rooms or place.. where business is to be carried out’
-the petition shall not be made by more than one person or more than one joint owner or tenant on any city lot
-and that the venue shall be of ‘suitable and proper locality for conducting such business’

Section 6: licenses are not transferrable

Section 7: all venues closed from 11:PM to 5:AM

Section 8: no more than ten licenses at any one time

Section 9: when any license ceases, the rest will be charged more for their licenses

Section 11: violations result in a fine of $50 to $100 and/ or imprisonment

Section 12: no gambling or dancing along with the serving of alcohol

Section 14: city can revoke licenses

Ordinance takes effect Feb 29th 1912
Ay: Dal Pogetto, McDonell, Quartaroli, Wagnon; Cummings absent
H.W Gottenberg, City Clerk

Fred Allebach

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