Nine tips to help plants survive in times of drought:
1. Choose the right plant for the right location. Drought- tolerant, sun-loving, native plants won’t thrive in a shady bog.
2. Pre-water the planting hole to moisten the surrounding soil and to check for drainage problems.
3. Start with quality material. If the roots of your new plant are brown or dry or circle around the root ball it might be best to return the plant and get a new one. Minor circling roots can be cut. Cutting numerous major circling roots can be lethal to the plant.
4. Don’t leave an exposed root ball out in the sun for more than a few minutes. Tiny rootlets die quickly. Keep the plant in the pot as long as possible.
5. Install drought tolerant plants just a little bit high (1/2”) in the planting hole. This reduces the chance of crown rot.
6. Make sure the irrigation emitters are within and just on the outer edge of the root ball. This layout encourages outward root movement. Do not allow emitters to sit directly on the main plant stem or trunk.
7. Set an irrigation schedule based on facts about plant water use and not wishful thinking. There will be more on this topic in a subsequent article.
8. In the first few weeks after installation check the soil moisture around several plants prior to running irrigation valve. If your soil is still wet don’t water so frequently. Adjust your irrigation timer/schedule accordingly.
9. Apply bark generously. This will help retain soil moisture. Two inches is great around trees and large shrubs. Don’t bury the root crown or stem of the tree/shrub.
Karen Boness is a Sonoma-based landscape designer, certified arborist and licensed contractor #974035. Her business is Wild Willow Landscape Design, 481.8561.
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