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Pot farm discovered during Sonoma assault arrest

Two men police say were part of a gang-related assault outside of a Plaza bar were arrested on Thursday, one amid a 400-plant pot farm on Leveroni Road.

Four of the suspects in the March 23 violence, in which witnesses say a man was beaten to the ground with a glass bottle and kicked repeatedly, were immediately arrested outside Steiner’s Tavern.

An ongoing investigation recently developed two additional suspects, according to Sgt. Spencer Crum. Arrest warrants for felony assault with a deadly weapon were issued in relation to their involvement in the 1 a.m. melee.

Javier Chavez, 20, was arrested at his home in 17100 block of Hwy 12 in Boyes Hot Springs.

When the second suspect, Ramon Manzo, 22, was served by SWAT, a large marijuana growing operation was discovered on the property in the 100 block of Leveroni Rd. Narcotics detectives determined that there more than 400 marijuana plants growing indoors and outdoors, Crum said.

Manzo was arrested for his warrant in this assault case, cultivation of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sales and committing a felony while out on bail. Manzo was out on bail from an unrelated case in Napa County.

Evidence of gang involvement was seized from both of Thursday’s arrest locations, Crum said. The beating victim, who took about 50 stitches to close the wounds to his face and head, was not a gang member and the reason for the attack is unknown, Crum reported.

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