Are you toxic? You probably are. In fact, you would probably be shocked if you knew how toxic you really are.
Without going into the gory details, lets just say if you were to die today and we were to open you up it would likely not smell like roses, nor would it look clean. The body breaks down inside due to free radicals and toxins. The liver, which is primarily responsible for clearing toxins out of the body, requires many nutrients in order to be able to effectively do it’s job. In fact, most people are sorely lacking in those nutrients, and therefore the liver becomes sluggish and less effective which results in toxins circulating throughout the body.
Fall is here, and for many people, a good time for a detox. Detox can mean many things to many people. So for educational purposes, I am referring to the support of the bodies detoxification systems, which includes everything from your saliva breaking down your food to the gall bladder and liver.
I am a fan of supporting your detoxification systems on a regular basis. We live in a fast-paced, high-stress world where we are surrounded by environmental toxins on a daily basis. I believe that seasonal cleansing or detoxing is a good idea, but I recommend supporting the detox systems of the body on a regular, ongoing basis for vitality and longevity.
Given the number of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, it’s nearly impossible for us to meet the burden created by our lifestyles. So, how then, do we keep our insides clean and free of toxic damage?
Here are my top seven tips for daily detoxification:
1. Drink half your body weight of clean, filtered, preferably natural source spring water (not from plastic bottles) on a daily basis. A pint equals one pound.
2. Eat loads of organic veggies daily — Yes, five to seven servings a day. Especially the cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and asparagus. These contain the good sulfur compounds needed for the detox pathways.
3. Sweat every day. Exercise is a double-edged sword when it comes to detoxification. The sweat that occurs is great for detoxification, however, long duration exercise can create a lot of oxidative stress in the body, therefore requiring more detoxification support. Dry saunas and steam rooms are also good as long as there aren’t too many harmful chemicals in the steam.
4. Take your vitamins. All vitamins are not created equal. You definitely get what you pay for, and where you get them is very important. I suggest Pharmaca, or the supplement area at Sonoma Market or Whole Foods. Better yet would be to visit a functional medicine practitioner, such as an MD or Naturopathic Dr. or a Chiropractor who specializes in functional medicine. They carry professional brands that are not sold in stores. Those brands tend to be the highest quality available and get the best results. There are vitamins and cleanse powders specifically designed to support both Phase l and Phase II detox pathways.
5. Drink your tea. There are some great liver and gall bladder support teas on the market. Make it a habit to drink them daily.
6. Move your Chi! Check out a local studio for some great yoga that will help move your Chi. Also check out our local acupuncturists and body workers to get the lymph flowing. They also sell lymph brushes at most local supplement shops.
7. Reduce stress in your life! When under chronic stress our bodies make their own toxins. Ammonia is one of them. Yes, stress increases your logic load as a result of the body’s biochemical response to stress. Crazy, isn’t it?
Well, there you have it. My top 7 tips for detoxifying your days. I run a detoxing program every fall and you are welcome to join us. Just send me an email for more information.
Here’s to your health, and to a better you!
Heather Morgan, MS, NLC, is a healthy living coach. Contact her at