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Remember Jimmy Carter?

Editor: I read Ben Boyce’s article in the Sun (10/13) recently and I have some things to point out. Why does this person even have a column in your paper? He is, in my opinion a far left progressive who only wants to further his agenda and his very leftist ideas. When writing his article he always mentions we need to do this and we need to do that. How about this Ben: we, the country, should first consider what is good for all.

The far left is no better than the far right. Your party, with no help from California, has lost the House and the Senate in the last two elections because President Obama’s policies have not worked. California simply doesn’t get it. Elections do have consequences. Obamacare is not working. The borders need to be secure. Jobs need to be created for everyone. We are more racially divided than we have been in a very long time and Obama and Holder are fueling the fire. Since your way hasn’t worked, let’s see what the House and Senate can come up with in the next two years.

If things don’t get better by then, maybe you’ll get another shot. But I think we have learned our lesson. Oh yes, people will forget what a lousy job your party has done for the last five years and we will, some day, go through all this again. Remember Jimmy Carter?

Stan Pappas
Sonoma Valley

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