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No to roundabout

Please use your powerful influence to educate W-trams that the enormous installation they are proposing is unneeded and a waste of money. Recent roundabout practical technology suggests that a simple central small pivot around which the traffic flows is all that is needed.

David Wills
from my iPhone

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    1. Darla Brocco Kobza Darla Brocco Kobza

      NO TO ROUNDABOUT!! It’s a stupid idea from the get-go! Right in the middle of our historic plaza? What are people seriously thinking?

    2. Dr. Larry Cornwater Dr. Larry Cornwater

      How about we just add walk/don’t lights at the controlled intersections and make it illegal for pedestrians to cause traffic to back up to absurd levels? It’s wonderful that cars are forced to sit there expelling unnecessary greenhouse gasses while they amble across the streets of Sonoma. None of them seem to be intelligent enough to realize that A LOT more energy is wasted idling at stop signs than it is waving a couple cars through before slowly walking their way across the street. But hey, if some construction company can coerce the town into spending exorbitant amounts of money on things we don’t actually need, who are we to stop them? Lol.

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