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Residential Raceway

Dear Sonoma,
Nothing unpeaceful as another Thursday morning, fixing a bottle for my 6 month old, There is a roar in the distance, someone is late for work, music barely audible above the roar of their exhaust pipes as they barely stop at the stop sign in front of my home. Then they literally race past six homes to the next stop sign, then down Verano Ave. Who do I call? Why do our neighborhoods have to be filled with reckless drivers who think they are at Infinion… when the posted speed limit is 25. Most drivers, especially the young and expensive car owners, think 45 and above is the real speed. No assumptions here.

Maybe Sonoma Residents could take into consideration that this is our home and not the Raceway. We can’t follow you home, but I would sure like to walk into the street and ask, a driver to SLOW DOWN. But when other neighbors tried that, it became confrontational.

So I am asking residents, and those in such a rush, to stay on Highway 12 and stop using our neighborhoods and your private test track. More importantly I am requesting the Sonoma Press to start a story about what it’s like for residents who are worried about the safety of their family.

Michael A Donegan

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    1. Giulia Latini Giulia Latini

      I couldn’t agree more. I live on Oak Street in El Verano, and at commuter hours, early morning and early evening, cars cutting across from 12 to Arnold race by at ungodly speeds. I’ve been tempted to put down a large mooring rope as a speed bump. We need patrol cars or speed bumps. Children, domestic animals, couples with strollers all risk injury or death. Not to speak of the noise. I thought there were sound regulations for vehicles. With the incredibly increased traffic congestion in Sonoma, rules of the road MUST be enforced. Sincerely, Giulia

    2. Concerned Mother First Concerned Mother First

      My Husband and I have both called the Police, who refer us to the CHP. The CHP, usually inform us that they are taking care of it, more often not.
      Drivers really do forget that once they are off Highway 12, that they are in Residential Neighborhoods. Posted Speed Limits are at 25mph. Unfortunately, the CHP, have told me, as I was holding onto my children, that it’s a recommended speed and does not have to be enforced. as drivers were literally driving by us much faster.
      Stop Signs and Slow Down Signs are ignored. The age of the driver also doesn’t matter, but by far, the vehicles with certain affiliations are the worse.
      we seriously doubt though that anything will come of it, since it’s happening outside of City of Sonoma Limits. We all as residents have seen this same problem posted before, one or two comments, then it just never makes front page news, it might upset the Winery Owners or a Local Business, who is often responsible for their drivers being part of the problem.
      I have spoken with other Residents, who are also growing tired of the repeat offenders. I challenge the Sonoma City Government and local News Agencies to take a serious look into the increasing traffic issues, we have, let us know that they are aware and plan to deal with it. before a child’s life is lost.

    3. Diana Diana

      It is not only the neighborhood streets, but parking lots as well. I have seen on many toccasions people speeding through the Safeway, Marketplace and Maxwell Plaza parking lots. I am waiting for a senior or a child to get hit. Its only a matter of time.

    4. Michael A Donegan Michael A Donegan

      3 comments, I am not Surprised, Sonoma Residents seem to only care about what is in “Front of them”. Coming home tonight. I sat talking with a few neighbors about the Next Step. The tpoic of added Speed Bumps sounds better, than constantly waving peope down, asking them to slow.
      Such a quiet Neighborhood gone…

    5. Michael A Donegan Michael A Donegan

      So another Friday Evening after 5:00pm as myself and other neighbors start Video Taping, the lineup of drivers who seem, not to care about their speed, loud music or general driving inabilities.
      The Lifted Power Diesels are the craze it seems, as they want to impress only themselves and wreck the ears of the residents as they persist on, putting the Black Bellows of Smoke, through our neighborhood. One young man, driving a Lifted Tan Chevy with Tinted Windows actually pulled an Illegal U-turn at Lomita, to voice his unhappiness with being recorded, actually recommended, I halt, my recording if i didn’t want something to happen.
      After contacting both the Sonoma County Sheriffs and CHP, several residents were told it wasn’t a priority, until they were told it was being recorded.
      Here’s the obstacle, although Verano Ave, seems to be a Bypass Artery for Arnold Drive and Highway12 for many Commutters as well as Local Drivers, these drivers fail to recognize that, it is also a Residential Community.
      It’s about time the City of Sonoma, get involved in the Local Residents Safety and Security, before another resident is ran over and dragged, whlie attempting to get their Mail or a child is hit, while walking home from local schools

      We pay the same taxes, if not more, to be harrassed by the Disrepectful Nature of those drivers, now since just calling isn’t going to work, Video Taping and giving such and Plate Numbers and Driver Descriptions is the next step to ensuring the “Safety of Our Neighborhood”.

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