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Council fills two spots on Sonoma planning panel

The City of Sonoma Planning Commission is back to its full compliment of seven members with the appointment of city planner and landscape designer Ron Wellander. Robert McDonald, landscape designer, was named to the alternate position.

Vacancies on the panel were created in November and December when Gary Edwards was elected to the City Council, and Commissioner Mathew Tippell resigned when he moved outside the City limits. James Cribb, the alternate member, was then named to fill one of the regular spots.

Mayor David Cook and Councilmember Edwards interviewed 13 applicants for the positions, said City Clerk Gay Johann. Wellander and McDonald were confirmed by the full council on February 14.

McDonald is a member of the city’s Design Review and Historic Preservation Commission. A self-employed landscape designer, he worked through 2004 as a Capital Improvements Manager for San Francisco Parks and Rec. Prior to that, he served as an Associate Planner for San Mateo, and held a similar position for Solano County.

McDonald earned a Landscape Architecture Certificate from UC Berkeley, and a Masters in Public Administration at SFSU. His goal, he stated, is to “take a leadership role by providing professional guidance when assisting the council, commission or city staff in making land use decisions.”

Commissioners may serve for a total of eight years: two-year term, four-year term, and  two-year term. Seven members and the alternate must reside within the City limits.



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