The Easter Bunny will be working his furry little tail off this year, hiding eggs for four free hunts throughout the Sonoma Valley.
The annual Soroptimist International Sonoma Valley Easter Egg Hunt hops into Sonoma Plaza on Saturday, April 4. After hiding candy and prize eggs about the park, Bunny, resplendent in brand new suit, will personally greet children in advance of the 10 a.m. hunt.

Bunny, reached at his executive hutch, said he wouldn’t miss the fun for all the carrots in the world.
For the hunt, children will be placed in different age divisions: 3-4 year olds, 5 -6 year olds, and 7-8 year olds. Six metallic eggs (two in each division) will be hidden among dozens of chocolate and candy-filled plastic eggs. The children finding the “special” eggs will receive Easter Gift Baskets. Children should bring their own baskets and must be accompanied by an adult.
The event has something new in store fro kids 2 and under. They will not have to search for plastic eggs in the grass. Instead, they bring their baskets to the Easter Bunny, who will provide wrapped candy, chocolates and a chance to win a gift basket.
“Reusable, recycled eggs,” Bunny said, “that’s what I call sustainable agriculture.”
The bunny will also work his seasonal magic Saturday in Glen Ellen, and Sunday in Kenwood.
Meanwhile, sources close to Bunny said that he is weaving baskets and perfecting his recipe for egg salad. He will also visit leaders of the chicken community, members of which feel slighted that a rabbit is taking credit for laying the most celebrated eggs of the year.
While in town, Bunny hopes to find time to visit relatives at the community garden, and perhaps drop by a local spa. “After my busy weekend, I like to relax with a nice cup of wheatgrass juice, extra grass, and a four-paw pedicure — all that digging really does a number on my nails” he said. “Plus a little rub behind the ears is nice, too.”
Glen Ellen Firefighters Association Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4. 10 a.m. Free.
Dunbar School, 11700 Dunbar Road.
Want to help dye colorful Easter eggs for the hunt? Stop by the fire station (13445 Arnold Drive) on April 3 after 2 p.m. to help dye hardboiled eggs. 707.996.9266
Kendall Cohn’s Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m.
B.R. Cohn Winery, 15000 Sonoma Highway 12, Glen Ellen
Easter Egg Hunt at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Sunday April 5, 10 a.m. 2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood. $8 parking per vehicle.
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