
Fast, not so furious

Posted on April 10, 2015 by Sonoma Valley Sun


Jake Mercifca, jumping off the line in a 1982 Camaro, races away from Sonoma County Sheriff’s Deputy Sal Borruso –- legally. The Sonoma Valley High student won the high school division of the Top the Cop drag race Wednesday night at Sonoma Raceway.

The program allows area high school students to race officers from the CHP and five different agencies in a safe and controlled environment. The officers — in full uniform and driving their patrol cars — started off the new season in a winning way, taking three of five rounds versus Bay Area high school students.

Bay Area law enforcement officers in full uniform will drag race in their patrol cars against area high school students on the quarter-mile drag strip.

The Wednesday night drag races will return next week April 15th starting at 4 p.m.

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA