Recently a friend on Facebook wrote that political correctness is basically having good manners. I’ve never heard such garbage. My mother taught me my manners. I don’t need any Liberal politician to tell me if I do or don’t have good manners.
Watch what you say, be careful not to offend anyone, any race, any religion, our president, women, terrorists, the public schools, Planned Parenthood, voting rights, illegal aliens, don’t say anything negative about Hillary, Obama or Democrats etc. I could go on and on and personally, I’m sick of it. So here goes:
Political correctness stifles free speech. I say what I believe and if you disagree with me, that’s your right. I won’t be offended.
I respect all religions but people on the left don’t have to be politically correct when it comes to Christians or Catholics or Christmas but say something against blacks, Muslims, Hispanics and I’m a racist. What in the hell is so bad about being white?
If I’m against my tax dollars funding birth control or abortions then I’m against women’s rights to choose. I feel that all people over 21 are responsible for there own actions. Quit the cigarettes and the drugs and pay for your own birth control pills.
If I feel that only citizens should vote and everyone should register to vote and show an I.D., then I’m a racist. I think Obama is the worst president we have ever elected and I’m not sure who comes in second place. I’m a racist.
I believe Hillary should be in jail. I don’t believe that Sanctuary Cities should be tolerated any more. They are illegal and government funding should be stopped immediately.
I think that anyone who enters this country illegally is illegal, not the politically correct “undocumented.” And I do like what Donald Trump has to say and his right to say it. You can disagree with me. It’s O.K.
Understand this; I do not think that the Democratic Party, as it stands today, is any different than Socialism. So naturally I do not like Bernie Sanders and I will not apologize. Am I anti-Semitic?
I’m against banning any leaf blowers. Let the free market take care of it. It’s not going to cause Climate Change all by itself. When the automobile was invented, it didn’t replace the horse. Now that we have some electric cars we still can’t replace the internal combustion engine at this time. So, until a non blowing, quiet electric weed eliminator is invented, we should not ban all leaf blowers. When China bans them, then I will think it over and reconsider. The same goes for the coal industry, the oil industry and any thing else that the EPA wants to ban.
Stan Pappas, Sonoma Valley
Stan Pappas is who Mark Twain had in mind when he famously observed: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” I hope the Sun continues to print all of his letters in the print edition of the paper as they are always good for a laugh, and our new puppy won’t be housebroken for several more months.