Barbara White Perry, a Valley resident for the last 30 years, has been named Treasure Artist for 2016 Sonoma’s Cultural and Fine Arts Commission. Her reaction? “I’m stunned,” she said. “Is this for real?”
The Commission noted her accomplishments as a painter but also as a patron of and contributor to various artistic forums in Sonoma Valley.
Her recent book “Drawing Sonoma,” is the culmination of 18 years of ink and vine-charcoal drawings of Sonoma Valley’s most captivating historic properties, 45 in all – “structures and vistas lost to time, neglect or development, unique barns and buildings that few people have ever seen.”
As she drew she also researched the history of the structures. Both their artistic representation and their stories are told in her book, thus creating a permanent historical record.
“Art, in all its forms, is an important part of our community,” White Perry told The Sun. “It helps our citizens learn about the past and see the possibilities of the future. By volunteering and supporting the Valley’s many non-profits we are enriching all of our community.”
In addition to the ink drawings, White Perry creates vivid oil paintings inspired by the vistas of the Valley and quiet beauty of local flowers. “You can walk by the same garden many times, then, a slight change of nature’s light can illuminate the beauty of a single flower never noticed before,” she said.
White Perry began painting and drawing at an early age in rural St. Charles, Illinois. She studied oils, watercolor, acrylic, architectural drafting, and enjoys the process of creating a broad range of styles. Her background in architectural drafting is a skill that allows her to depict structures in ink drawings with great accuracy and detail.
Her design and construction of her vineyard home and studio won the Sonoma League’s Preservation Award.
The Commission noted her numerous contributions to the community including serving as President and Chair of the Plein Art Foundation for three years raising more than $250,000 for arts education in Sonoma Valley schools and her leadership of the Cottage and Garden Tours in Sonoma which raised $128,000 for the restoration of Maysonnave House, the home of the Sonoma League for Historic Preservation.
The Commission will host a reception in Ms. White Perry’s honor in the near future with the details announced at a later date. For additional information, contact City Clerk Gay Johann, 933.2216.
“I want to thank the City of Sonoma for this tribute,” White Perry said this week. “Considering the incredible artists that have received this award in the past, I feel deeply honored.”
This is a marvelous surprise