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Put it on the ballot

Dear City Council Members: Today I was awakened way too early in the morning (5 a.m. or so) by the garbage trucks, as I am every Tuesday. This causes a terrible disruption in my sleep which frequently leads to illness. Would you please put on the November 2016 ballot a measure directing by law that these garbage pickups can occur only after 9 a.m.?

Also today, I came home to have a short nap outside at 3 p.m… because of my sleep disturbance this morning. I could not do so because one of my neighbors had had trees trimmed earlier and the leaves and branches were being processed in a shredder. The noise and the dust were very disturbing. Would you also please add a measure to ban these shredders to the November 2016 ballot.

As other disturbances come up I will let you know so that you can get them on the ballot as well. No point in wasting a good “vote of the people” opportunity.

Rick Wynne, Sonoma


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    1. Parke Montgomery Parke Montgomery

      I hope this is a joke. Maybe we should put a measure on that ballot that legally requires all those who are bothered by noise to wear ear plugs. That would solve a lot of problems.

    2. Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

      When does a leaf blower operate for more than 15 minutes at a stretch ? Dust blows whenever the wind kicks up . Noise , you should be happy to hear a little noise .At least you know your not dead .

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