The SVUSD Board of Trustees has supported Superintendent Louann Carlomagno along with Manager of Operations Tony Albini in their decision to stop using gas powered leaf blowers on school campuses.
For many of us, after five years of failed attempts to educate the City Council on why they should gas powered leaf blowers citywide to protect residents and visitors alike from excessive noise, emissions and dangerous particulate matter kicked up by blowing and also through engine exhaust, the School Board’s decision was an emotional one. The School District has set December 2015 as their goal for a total phase out and have, in fact, already purchased electric blowers for use only during non-instructional hours. Yet, even after all these years, the City’s Public Works Department is still using gas blowers (and glyphosate-based herbicides) in parks, paths and in cemeteries.
In addition, the School District contacted expert witness John Kelly, who is also a parent, to study and make recommendations based on the same scientific studies and technical reports that have been provided to the City Council along with nearly one thousand signatures calling for a ban. Mr. Kelly managed to communicate the complexities of particulate matter and regulations governing safe exposure without dumbing down any of the science or belittling our concerns. I believe everyone walked away from that meeting feeling that the decision to phase out gas powered blowers was in the best interest of the students, faculty and staff that work on District campuses.
It’s a shame certain members of the City Council continue to prioritize bogus arguments about job loss, personal rights, a sterile aesthetic over the health and well-being of those who live, work and visit Sonoma. Had they attended the School Board meeting, they might have learned something. Maybe they should get the minutes.
Lisa Summers, Sonoma Neighbors Against Leaf Blowers
It’s impossible to educate idiots!
Of course they should be banned! Not only did we all do fine without before, but it’s also been shown that a layer of leaves is nature’s way of protecting and fertilizing the soil and sprouting plants. Beneficial and “harmful” insects, the small reptiles, mammals and amphibians which feed on them all benefit from fallen Fall leaves. Miniscule particulates artificially blown into the air increase respiratory irritation, particularly in the more vulnerable asthmatic children and adults, not to speak of the numerous older people with COPD in our community. Toxic dusts containing heavy metals, plastics and animal feces can remain in suspension for many hours after the passage of a leaf blower. Now, don’t you think that perhaps you could get out there and rake if you really MUST have a pristine landscape?
Exactly, Guilia!