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Can’t we ever say “No”?

My wife and I have lived in Sonoma County since the early ‘70’s.  Growth in the last 40+ years has been considerably more moderate than it is now!  It seems that there is tension everywhere, between County Supervisors & City Council members joined by the various Chambers of Commerce throughout the County, also the Visitor’s Bureaus, Winery/Grape-growers associations, special event planners, developers, gambling casinos AND on the other side, (beleaguered) home owners and other residents!

We have the most growth concentrated along the Hiway 101 corridor, from Petaluma to Cloverdale.  Most of the growth pressure is there, but being a long time resident of Sonoma Valley, I can attest to more than a reasonable amount of growth here, from Oakmont to Schellville! I can only conclude that our elected officials at every level, in concert with their many surrogate associations/organizations, will always fall sway to developers tax and other dollars!

But, they can’t create the additional WATER that is needed for any new development or roads/infrastructure or seriously mitigate congestion, noise, inconvenience and general frustration! I realize that it’s too late to ever enjoy the days when there were only a few wineries and tasting rooms, but can’t we occasionally say NO, reduce or greatly minimize the growing number of wineries, hotels, malls and residential developments.

I’m afraid that the (proverbial) horse is out of the barn.  Lets not let that horse get too far down the road!!!

Bob Mosher
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    1. Regina Regina

      The growth taking place in Sonoma is not harmonious with the small town townsfolk quaintness many if ys desire. The growth in Sonoma is driven by big developer greed that has settled here. It’s unhealthy and eventually will be the “Waterloo” of the Town.


    2. And of coarse let’s not restrict illegal border crossings or promote birth control . That would just be mean .We need more people with 4 and 5 kids in strollers and two and three families crowding into 2 and 3 bedroom housing .

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