(Enough with the) same old NIMBY arguments. I have three vacation rentals in my neighborhood that have never been a problem. Quiet young and old couples park a rental car in an orderly manner in the carport of a nicely fixed up (much better than before) little cottage, enjoy themselves for a weekend, and then leave quietly.
By saying No to any, we are simply throwing out the baby with the bathwater. This, like any other issue, needs pragmatism and compromise, together with the same technology that brings us the innovation and the change. I am all for sharpened regulation of vacation rentals, much more aggressive reporting and prosecution of violators (a three strikes and you lose your license approach), but condemning and abolishing all sharing economy rentals is not the solution.
Politics is the process of reasonable and equitable compromise, which is what is needed here.
Bastian Schoell
Well said! We are fortunate to live in a place where people want to vacation.
All I have to say is you are a lucky person. The vacation rentals in our area are a consistent problem. I would venture a guess that if you took a poll within neighborhoods that have a lot of rentals you’re going to find the same feeling. Unfortunately I guess that our voices were not heard strong enough this time around. But that opinion and our voices will be back. Because at 4:19 in the morning I really don’t want to have to chastise a bunch of partiers next door for being rowdy and crazy. I don’t think you would like that either.
4:19 . seems a little excessive .Maybe they should button things up by 3 .