I have worked with Supervisor Susan Gorin during the length of her three-and-a-half year term with Sonoma County in District 1. As a board member of a community group in Kenwood, the Valley of the Moon Alliance, whose mission is to preserve rural character and protect our agricultural heritage, we do not always fall on the same side of every issue. However, I have always found her to have an open door to our group. She seeks our input and is respectful of our interests.
I fully support her re-election and would be very concerned to see her tenure interrupted by an opponent who desires the office more than she wishes to serve the county. It seems that the campaign is falling to the same tactics that we are experiencing at the national level. The same might be said in District 5, where experience in office is being ‘trumped’ by looking to inexperienced newcomers. Be careful what you wish for!
Gini Dunlap, Sonoma Valley
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