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Yamada for State Senate

I am supporting Mariko Yamada in her bid for the California State Senate, District 3. Mariko is a fearless advocate for all of us, and she demonstrated that fact over and over again when she represented us in the state assembly for six years. But her record of advocacy on behalf of regular folks like you and me didn’t start a few years ago. Her passionate advocacy has spanned her entire adult life.

Always fearless, always direct, and never stepping back from a difficult fight, Mariko has given a voice to the voiceless, has given real hope to the disenfranchised and, most of all, has instilled in so many of us a very strong belief that, if we stand together and tell the truth, we can make a difference. Her unwavering support for the issues that bind us has been evident throughout her four decade career of fighting the good fight, all the while forging partnerships in public service, partnerships that make a difference.

As a policy maker, Mariko has worked tirelessly to protect the health of our communities, our neighborhoods, our families, and our environment. She has been a strong advocate for public education, health and human services, and working women and men. She has championed the needs of seniors and the availability of affordable long term care.

Yes, Mariko has consistently served her community with hard work and determined effort, but what’s most impressive to me is her unquestionable integrity. She never makes a decision based on the political expediency or the political correctness of the issue at hand but, rather, how the particulars will impact those she represents. In short, she’s driven by an ethical commitment to do the right thing rather than what’s easiest or safest. She’s courageous.

As we strive to return to government that is truly of the people and by the people, we need people like Mariko Yamada in the California State Senate. Please join me in voting for her. And, please, spread the word.

Dean Vogel, California Teachers Association

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    One Comment

    1. No Way No Way

      I know nothing about Yamada except her reputation as a ‘progressive.’ I know that Bill Dodd has annoyingly flooded our mailboxes with pricey campaign mailers almost daily for nearly a month. I know he is able to do that because he is deep in the pockets of the Chamber of Commerce, the wine/tourism industry, developers and Big Ag, all of whom expect him to behave in office like all the other politicians they finance. None of his glossy campaign mailers mention that he used to be a registered Republican, but considering who his supporters are, that was pretty obvious.

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