We who make up Sonoma International Film Festival have worked hard to maintain a 19-year-old non-profit that is a unique cultural and economic asset to the Sonoma community. We strive to earn the respect and the support from our community, for without these two important attributes we are not able to function.
With community support we are able to maintain the SVHS Media Arts Program we established 14 years ago that depends on SIFF for financial support to pay for computers, camera equipment, weekend workshops, and, until recently, subsidized the salary of the teacher who teaches the class. Many of these students use this program as a vehicle to gain entrance to colleges/universities that specializes in filmmaking, and upon graduation secure jobs in the “industry.”
We also are one of the few nonprofits that for 19 years have significantly impacted the local and regional economy. The film festival attracts festival attendees from all over the country that stay in local hotels and eat out at our sensational restaurants. Many of these people return to Sonoma during the course of the year, and some purchase homes in Sonoma, after being introduced to the Sonoma Valley through the film festival.
This is why it was so disheartening that City staff did not recommend our grant application for Council approval. The criteria for grant funding, established by City staff, was based on longevity of the nonprofit, its value to the community, economic impact, measurable results, and financially sustainability. SIFF satisfies each of these criteria, but still the City does not recommend our nonprofit for a grant funding which we need and deserve.
We are disheartened by lack of support from the City of Sonoma and its staff members who continue to think in a rather provincial manner. The same City staff group who over the years voted against the SONOMAWOOD sign, the same group that complained about the festival hospitality tent (the Backlot) placed behind City Hall, and the same City staff group that complained they were inconvenienced by giving up their City Hall parking spaces for two days for the tent. What’s important? City Hall staff parking, or working with the film festival to be a supportive to a nonprofit that makes a difference in our community?
Most cities around the country generously support their local film festivals, because they see its cultural and financial impact. It has been five years since SIFF received any kind of support from the City. We are disheartened by this lack of support. The City Council members should ask themselves, would the community be better off if this unique cultural asset were to go away? How would this impact the elementary and high school filmmaking programs? What would be the economic effect on the town and County?
It is our hope that the Sonoma community will step up their financial support of SIFF in lieu of the recent non-actions of City Council. Next March is our 20th anniversary — quite an accomplishment. Please help us make it the best it can be. Your support means everything to SIFF!
Kevin McNeely, executive director, Sonoma International Film Festival
Oh my goodness! Here we go again with the City Council rejecting something that is so good for our town. I was wondering why there was no back lot tent this year in our beautiful plaza. I was wonder why the back lot tent was stuck in a parking lot. Now I know why! Why wouldn’t something as awesome as the film festival that brings so much to our town be so trashed by our city council. This is nothing new. They do it again and again. The real people of the town need to speak up and support Sonoma International film festival that is run by so many generous people of Sonoma that look forward to this once a year event! Thank you Kevin for all your tireless work!