Many people don’t realize that under Sonoma’s current leaf blower ordinance, blowers are allowed from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. in mixed-use zones!
I live in mixed-use, and work from home. My business calls are often disrupted by leaf blowers five feet from my office window. I see excessive use of blowers around my neighbors’ yards, including operating two at once on the same property, not to mention the dust-storm they create around my house and yard.
Although I dislike blowers, I understand people’s need to blow leaves from their gutters or patios because it’s convenient. That’s why I am voting YES on Measure V, a compromise ordinance that allows electric or battery powered blowers from 9 am – 4 pm, and no more loud, polluting gas leaf blowers. This is more civilized and neighborly. Electric and battery blowers are quieter, yet efficient, without the harmful fumes.
By the way, I was approached to sign Jerry Marino’s referendum, and I believe many who signed it didn’t know the Council had already passed an ordinance banning gas blowers. The person collecting signatures didn’t know! If you are complaining about wasting tax-payer money on Measure V, you know who to blame.
Please vote Yes on Measure V for a better quality of life in Sonoma.
Gigi Pfleger, Sonoma
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