If you believe the developers’ poop about no traffic impacts of a 60-room hotel at the crossroads of West Napa Street (Hwy. 12) and First Street West then you deserve every wasted minute of your life sitting in its traffic. Dig it. This will be in development for three years. Minimum. You think the city has traffic problems now? These are the good times, Spunky.
Claiming that the construction and operation of the hotel, as its Environmental Impact Report (EIR) does, will have no significant effects on traffic at that location is like saying repeated blows to the head with a 2×4 would leave no discernible marks. This risible drivel is beyond not passing a smell test, it wouldn’t pass a milk-out-the-nose laugh test.
If this joke of a document gets passed to the City Council, which it’s predicted it will, maybe the Council will request that the developers bring back an EIR that does not defy logic or common sense and render its preposterous claims devoid of any credibility. Maybe pigs will fly over the Plaza.
There are any number of grounds to toss this insulting document back to those who are trying to peddle it for approval, but to tell residents of Sonoma it will have no appreciable traffic impacts buggers a reality even a 5-year-old wouldn’t buy.
Will Shonbrun, Boyes Springs
” Claiming that the construction and operation of the hotel, as its Environmental Impact Report (EIR) does, will have no significant effects on traffic at that location is like saying repeated blows to the head with a 2×4 would leave no discernible marks. ” , Good one , Will .