On January 1st of this year, water rates increased within the City of Sonoma. This increase was the result of an ordinance passed in 2014 which called for increases in rates yearly over a period of years until the year 2019.
The ordinance also sets forth the rates for other than single family units, such as restaurants and hotels. The rates are based on an ESD, An Equivalent Single-family Dwelling. Thus a single family dwelling provides the base measurement upon which all other rates are set. A mobile home, for example, is billed based upon a rating of .51 ESD.
Rate increases are justified based upon a water rate study which concluded that in order for the City of Sonoma to generate the funds needed for the upkeep, repair and upgrading of the system’s infrastructure, a series of yearly rates increases was necessary.
To view the ordinance and fee schedules, Click Here.
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