The Sonoma Valley Health Care District has taken the first formal step in inviting offers for the 2.83 acre parcel of vacant land near its Andrieux Street campus.
The hospital has issued an Request for Proposal, a document that solicits written offers for the purchase, joint venture or other proposed use of all or a part of the land.
The lot — bordered by West McArthur Street and Fourth Street West — is actually two legal parcels of land owned by the District, the northern portion of which is used as a parking lot and related facilities for Sonoma Valley Hospital.
The overall lot is currently zoned for residential use, with a current annual allocation of 20 residential units under City of Sonoma growth ordinance. An additional 20 units could be applied for in September 2017.
“The District is open to all reasonable and appropriate proposals for the parcel,” said Jane Hirsch, SVHCD board chair. “However, as a health care district operating under California law, the District must receive fair market value for the parcel, and will put a premium on offers that provide for a reasonable feasibility period, deposit structure, and the earliest possible completion.”
The document notes that offers by developers and government entities for joint ventures or joint powers authorities, or by community-based groups for projects, feasibility studies or conceptual design will all be considered.
The deadline for written offers and other proposals, in the form of a letter of intent or term sheet, are due April 15, 2017.
The vetting process for submissions has not yet been established, according to Board Chair Jane Hirsch. “It hasn’t been completely decided,” she told The Sun. “We obviously want that process to be as open/transparent as possible, and will be completing the plan for review and decision-making soon. We’ll make that process public as soon as it’s finalized.”
The RFP is not yet posted on the hospital web site. For now, a copy is available from the Sonoma Valley Health Care District, Attention: Ken Jensen, CFO, 347 Andrieux Street, Sonoma, CA 95476. Phone is: 707.935.5003.
GovCode Section 25539.4): As I read it, the health care district may, ”dispose of the real property or interest therein at less than fair market value, or purchase an interest in the real property, to provide that affordable housing without complying with other provisions of this article.” Yet, they are looking for another kind of buyer, one willing to pony up more money, one that won’t necessarily act in the best interest of the community – is this legal?