At least 13 Sonoma Valley businesses are closed today in solidarity with the national “Day Without Immigrants,” a protest and boycott aimed at President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda.
The protest calls for a boycott of all purchases for the day, and urges immigrants to skip work and miss school. The goal is to show the importance of immigrants to the U.S. economy. As one online flier reads, “Without us and our contribution this country is paralyzed.”
The topic is the top trend on Twitter, according to C|Net.
Locally, the growing list of closed businesses includes:
- El Brinquito
- Carniceria Chapala
- Breakaway Cafe
- La Michoacana Natural Ice Cream
- El Molino Central
- Picazo Cafe
- La Flavorita
- Iniguez Market
- Tacqueria Sonoma
- La Morenita #2 and #3
- El Rancho Viejo
- Breakaway Cafe
- Rozansky Design landscaping
“I’m a product of immigrants, so it’s dear and close to my heart.” Teresita Fernandez, owner of La Michoacana told the Press Democrat. “The people who are facing deportation — who shouldn’t be deported — are the ones who are suffering. Losing a day of income isn’t going to change my world.”
There are reports of lower attendance at area schools today as well.
As of 12 noon, I didn’t see one Plaza business closed in solidarity.
The Maya restaurant was closed yesterday, maybe the only one in the Plaza.