A Wednesday rally on Sonoma Plaza will recognize A Day Without Women, a national initiative of the organizers of January’s Women’s March.
The 11 a.m. event on March 8 will underscore women’s economic worth while protesting “the economic injustices women and gender nonconforming people continue to face,” organizers wrote in a recent announcement.
The “one-day demonstration of economic solidarity coincides with International Women’s Day.
There are three ways to take part: women can take the day off from work (both paid and unpaid), people can avoid spending money anywhere except small businesses and those owned by women or minorities, and anyone can wear red that day in solidarity.
Locally, a flier calls the Plaza event “Sonoma feminist open mic,” as “all feminists, no matter the gender,” will be encouraged to share stories, poems, songs “and any other way to make your voice heard.”
Organizing are young women including Sonoma Valley High School student Lauren Smith, who lead a student march and rally in November (pictured).
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