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Life doesn’t always offer us second chances, so when they occur we should cherish and honor them.

The emergency room at Sonoma Valley Hospital is in the daily business of offering second chances to those in our community who are struck with life-threatening circumstances, whether a heart attack or stroke, or an accident in our homes or on our highways. It is rare for a community our size to enjoy the luxury of a full-service hospital, ER and the various medical support services that make them possible. We are also fortunate for the professional management and staff who keep the whole thing running and for the five community volunteers who represent us as board members to ensure proper governance.

We as voters in the hospital district have also been offered a second chance. After 3 easy victories in parcel tax elections starting in 2002, we suffered a bout of complacency and overconfidence in March and came up 150 votes short of the two-thirds majority required to pass another 5-year renewal. Had this result been allowed to stand, it would surely have led to the closure of Sonoma Valley Hospital. Fortunately, our district board did not throw in the towel and the parcel tax is back before us in the form of Measure E.

Don’t pass up this second chance to save our hospital and all-important emergency room. Vote yes on Measure E and be sure to cast your ballot in time for it to be counted on June 6. It is without a doubt our last chance.

Steve Page, Sonoma

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