Some thoughts on the hospital parcel tax. First, since the current tax of $195 expires June 30, 2017, this is not an increase of $55. This is a new parcel tax of $250. The consultants must have told them that saying it was “only” a $55 increase would sound better.
Second, this is the fourth time we have been threatened with closing. The $35 million construction bond was approved in 2008 because otherwise the hospital would close. This now costs us $33.40 pr $100,000 assessed value of our homes, for 30 more years. Next we voted for the $195 parcel tax five years ago because the hospital ‘temporarily’ needed more money… or it would close. We were threatened with closure again last November unless we approved the new $250 tax. Now, for the fourth time we are being threatened unless we approve the same measure we voted down. Me thinks they cry wolf too often!
A look at management compensation I find very interesting. The top 16 management employees are collectively paid $2,844, 207 (an average of $177,763). These 16 people with very high paying jibs in our little town will surely be able to figure out how to save enough money to stay open and keep their great jobs.
Although I feel like the Grinch for this reality check, I absolutely value the local hospital and have used it several times in the 27 years I have lived here. The hospital doesn’t need more money, it needs better fiscal management.
George Weiss Jr., Sonoma
Thank you for pointing out some real numbers . Especially the existing bond paymets . Put me on the Grinch list .