
On the ‘Threshold’

Posted on September 19, 2017 by Sonoma Valley Sun


“Albert Paley: Thresholds,” an exhibition of metal sculptures and other works by the Philadelphia-born artist, closes Sunday, October 1 at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art.

Paley has created some 60 permanent large-scale works including a huge gateway at the St. Louis Zoo, a gate at the National Cathedral in Washington and one that towers over a Mexico City highway. He’s also the creator of outdoor works temporarily placed on Sonoma Plaza, in Depot Park, and in front of the museum.


The outdoor works, presented in conjunction with the gallery show, comprise Sonoma’s largest-ever public art installation.

“You heat a piece of metal up, you hit it, it forms, it develops a line in space that has continuity,” Paley says of forging his works. “When I’m working on it, I’m experiencing movement. It’s almost like if this were heated up again, it would continue to move.”

The show features sculptures, drawings, and maquettes. 551 Broadway, Sonoma. Wednesday through Sunday. 5 for adults. Children k–12 are admitted free, as are SVMA members.




Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA