
Book signing: ‘California Field Atlas’

Posted on January 24, 2018 by Sonoma Valley Sun

51zws3jBOfL._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_February 1: Artist, poet and naturalist Obi Kaufmann brings his award-winning “California Field Atlas” to Readers’ Books from 7 to 9 p.m.

Growing up in the East Bay, Kaufmann spent most of high school practicing calculus and breaking away on weekends to explore the wilds. “I would map the trails in the sage mazes and I would draw the animals obsessively, all the while feeling a real kinship to them.”

Into adulthood, he would regularly journey into the mountains, spending more summer nights without a roof than with one. The experiences inspired this 600-page volume, with 250 hand-painted maps and 600 other works of art.

The volume was a Northern California Independent Booksellers Association book of year.

The event is free. 130 E Napa Street, Sonoma


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