I was present at the City Council meeting last evening (4/9) and I would publicly like to commend and acknowledge the three strong women of our City Council, Ms. Harrington, Mayor Agrimonte and Ms. Hundley. Common sense and strong leadership have finally prevailed in our small town.
I applaud their decision to refer Mr. Jasper’s home design for the Schocken Hill properties back to the Planning Commission for review. Even under the threat of a lawsuit from the applicant they listened to what was being said, they asked very poignant questions of the staff and the applicant and gave very specific reasons for their votes.I heard very little from either Council members Edwards or Cook during the course of the meeting.
It was apparent to me from their body language that their minds had been made up prior to the proceedings of last night.Now the only question remains, will the Planning Commission do due diligence and follow the lead of the City Council, back the request of the people of Sonoma and stay within the guidelines of our ordinances?
— Laurie Sebesta

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