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The case for a Glen Ellen cannabis dispensary

As the proprietor of Apothevert, which has applied for a permit to operate a medical cannabis dispensary near the Village of Glen Ellen, I wish to apprise our community of information about the business plans and address concerns that have been raised.

The application complies with Sonoma County Limited Commercial zoning requirements and meets all Sonoma County regulations, and adheres to California State Law. The permit process does not require an applicant to provide evidence of community support, although we have taken extra steps to gain such support.

In the November 2016 election, 68 percent of the Glen Ellen precinct , and 59 percent of greater Sonoma County, precinct voted in favor of legalizing medical cannabis. The people have spoken, the law has been established and Apothevert is in compliance.

The property is within 100’ of a residential zoning district, however, an actual physical separation exists between land uses such that no off-site impacts could occur. There are existing physical separations on all four sides of the parcel: two by other commercial properties, and two by major roadways, a precedent set by the PRMD throughout Sonoma County.

In summary, the Apothevert application is for a standard use permit for a legal California business entity. This is not a zoning change or special use exception.  This application is dependent on adherence to state and local laws, regulations, codes and ordinances and, therefore, Apothevert should be granted a use permit.

We have undertaken extensive efforts to ensure our business is professional, welcoming, safe, upscale, and will positively impact our surroundings. We look forward to joining the community as a vital contributing business partner and necessary support for medical cannabis patients, providing local jobs and tax revenue.

— Jani Friedman, Petaluma


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    1. Please consider a shorter commute and set up shop in Petaluma…maybe even work with Lagunitas and have a site near their brewery. Could be a winner, winner, pot brownie dinner !

    2. Sam Wright Sam Wright

      I live nearby and everyone I know wants this dispensary to open.

      The only people who are complaining are a few cranky neighbors who complain about everything. Get a life!

      I met the young man and his wife who plan to operate a his dispensary at the glen Ellen fair this year. They were extremely sweet people and their baby daughter was very cute.

      It’s about time there were local retail outlets and this dispensary has been waiting for years. It is about time the county approves this dispensary so us local citizens have better access to legal safe cannabis

      For me and for everyone I know who lives in the nearby housing complex and local glen Ellen citizen, WE WAMT THIS FIREHOUSE DISPENSARY TO OPEN

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