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Nita Rothschild was the true victim

A grave injustice occurred during the Rothschild murder trial. With heavy brushstrokes,

Nita Rothschild, a Sonoma resident,  was painted as the one responsible for her own brutal death. How can that be? Steven Rothschild, her husband, received a verdict that was based only on his version of events. Sadly, Nita could not defend herself.

This was so one-sided and not only did Nita lose her life in this horrific killing, but her reputation and character were put on trial as well. For those of us fortunate enough to have known her, she was one of the kindest, most caring and gentlest of souls.  Nita was involved in caring for abandoned pets and was a regular volunteer at Pet’s Lifeline. She was also a big sister to a young girl who would have had the bleakest of lives if it were not for Nita’s efforts, caring and love.

Nita treated others with kindness, thoughtfulness and respect, always one to help somebody else. Although portrayed in court as a narcissist, Nita was anything but that, as evidenced by the many friends she had during her life of only 68 years. I feel blessed by the opportunity to have known her.

Please do not allow her murderer’s accounts of her tarnish the beautiful soul she was. She cannot speak up for herself. She was the victim, not the abuser.

— Margo Ginsburg, Sonoma


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    1. carolyn kohler carolyn kohler

      I had known Nita Rothschild since 1984, and we were very, close friends throughout all of those years. Margo, your description of Nita is absolutely true. I had never witnessed her to be anything but kind, caring, concerned about other peoples feelings, and a wonderful person to spend time with.

      She volunteered in the community, was compassionate when she saw suffering, and was truly interested in what was happening in the lives of those around her. Nita was a bright light in the world. She is missed by many, many people. What a tragedy!

    2. Jack Shmollie Jack Shmollie

      I didn’t know her .But the defense of this man strikes me as outrages . If he was so dreading her lambasting , which we will never hear her dispute , then why couldn’t he just leave ? Divorce has it’s purpose . Why someone who had a pretty good life , choose to murder his wife ? Turn his world upside down ? He got a pretty sweet deal. I hope he serves every day of it . But I’ve been told he may weasel his way out of it .I hope not .

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