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Verdict in Nita Rothschild case unfair, unjust

Editor’s note: Steven Rothschild was recently convicted of manslaughter after admitting to strangling his wife Nita.


Juanita (Nita) Rothschild was brutally and viciously killed by her husband on August 4, 2017. He beat and strangled her, until she died. He could have stopped but chose not to. Steven Rothschild was tried for killing her, but it felt like Nita was on trial, because of how she was portrayed by the defense. Not here to defend herself, Nita was blamed for her own murder. It was appalling. The Nita portrayed during the trial is not the Nita we knew.

Nita was a very kind, loving, caring, supportive and loyal friend.  She loved animals and volunteered with the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe (HSTT).  We both first met her through the a Pet Assisted Therapy program at Tahoe Forest Hospital in Truckee, and we quickly became good friends.  Nita would bring her big Russian blue cat, named Floyd, to the hospital to visit with the patients and elderly residents and as they brushed and petted Floyd she would spend time getting to know them and listening to their stories.  She was never in a hurry and made numerous friends of the patients, residents and staff. Everyone adored her and Floyd, and looked forward to her visits.

Nita was always happy, and very sociable.  People gravitated to her bubbly personality and warm beautiful smile. Nita was a beautiful soul, loved by all who knew her,  and we are so very saddened by this tragedy.

— Carol McNamara and Karine Wagner, Truckee


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    One Comment

    1. Jack Shmollie Jack Shmollie

      Pretty hard to believe she was the shrew she was portrayed as .

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