Sonoma Valley citizens have a unique opportunity in the upcoming election to elect a duo of dynamic leaders to serve on the Sonoma Valley Hospital Board, Dr. Michael Mainardi and Joshua Rymer. Their combined experiences, enhanced with an outstanding blend of expertise and commitment will ensure the long-term sustainability of of our local hospital and emergency room, which has proven time and time again to provide extraordinary quality care and patient services and to save lives. In these areas, I have personal experience.
I have known Joshua Rymer, both professionally and personally, for over 35 years, and he never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence, business savvy, compassion, and commitment to getting done what he sets out to do. And while I have only recently met Dr. Michael Mainardi, I know that if Joshua recommends him, he is clearly an exceptional candidate.
Please join me in voting for Mainardi and Rymer for Sonoma Valley Hospital Board. Together, with the other members of the Board, these two men will ensure that Sonoma Valley Hospital will continue to thrive and to meet the medical needs of our community.
— Harriet Derwingson, Sonoma
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