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A letter to the City Council winners

Rachel, Madolyn & Logan –

Congratulations on your election to City Council, and for running your campaigns with skill, respect and integrity.  Like many Sonoma residents, I look forward to your contribution to an energetic – and Progressive – majority on Council eager to tackle the realities of the City’s 21st century problems.

As but one example of the important work ahead, I think you, too, might see the irony in the fact that the long-dead General Vallejo and the Native American slaves/servants in his barracks had more secure housing than those who live and work here 184 years later.  I don’t think that can seriously be called Progress.  Indeed, were it not a sacrosanct State Park preserved for the amusement of tourists his empty homestead mansion with its vast surrounding acreage could hold a lot of affordable housing for families who need it today and still give a nod to history.

There are similar ironies in the economic structure of our town and Valley, where tourists are treated with more respect than those who serve them.  That, too, can be adjusted to a more equitable and still workable balance, if there is a will on Council to engage — confront? — special interests.

I continue to believe that with imagination, Sonoma’s small town character – and its heritage – can be preserved, respected and made to work for Sonoma’s 21st century residents, without kissing the good General’s 19th century ass.  😉   I hope you agree.

— Bob Edwards, Sonoma

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    One Comment


      Mr. Edwards,
      Will you please tell me — exactly — who and or what are the special interests you refer to? I’d like to know. Really.
      Thank you.

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