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Is Sonoma opening the Pandora’s Box of wireless cell towers?

Reader Opinion by Shelly Masters

One early morning eight years ago, I woke with a jolt. My heart was racing as if I had fallen out of bed. It was 3:30 a.m. I felt stunned. I sat up, ran my fingers through my hair, looked down and realized I had just removed two handfuls of hair. What had just happened?

As soon as I could see my doctor he did an extensive exam but could not identify what was wrong. My dermatologist took a biopsy of my scalp and asked if I had received some type of shock. I hadn’t. She asked if I had started chemotherapy. I hadn’t. She then informed me that my body had stopped producing hair. And that meant I would lose all of my hair in the next month.

I had been in great physical condition. I was a happy, successful, working artist, painting murals in private homes and businesses for 34 years, from Silicon Valley homes to San Francisco mansions to the walls of Chez Panisse.

But suddenly I started having trouble with my memory. I couldn’t read. The words would disappear on the page. A simple bid for a job, that usually took 15 minutes, took me over two hours to complete. What was wrong with me? My skin felt tender, slightly sunburned. I had a high-pitched hissing sound in my head. My heart would race like a jackhammer.  But the worst part was the fatigue. I wasn’t waking up refreshed. At odd times, I would experience vertigo and lose my balance.

After spending thousands of dollars on treatments and tests, including psychological, I gave up. No one could figure out what I had. I never suspected it was the wireless transmitter in my environment. One day I heard a list of the symptoms of “microwave sickness”, on a talk show about smart meters. I had the all the symptoms.

I called PG&E and I found out the meter had started transmitting the week my hair fell out. It was three feet from my head. I had it removed and my symptoms immediately disappeared. But if I were in an active wireless environment, like a coffee shop, library, hospital waiting room, or airplane, my symptoms would return.

I had developed electromagnetic sensitivity.

In 2012 I was invited to give testimony to the California Public Utilities Commision. Two hundred people attended and told their story. Most were working professionals, students and retirees. All of us had the same symptoms and they were related to the wireless transmission from the meters.

Digitally pulsed data-carrying radio waves have a powerful biological effect.

Verizon has ten Close Proximity Microwave Antenna cell towers planned for Sonoma. The three now up for approval are near my home and where I shop and work. Once they’re up more will follow. They have to be placed very densely, every ten houses, to create a seamless, 24-hour transmitting grid. Is Sonoma going to open the 5G wireless cell tower Pandora’s Box?

According to Verizon, health effects and property values are a “non-issue”. More troubling, once Verizon puts up their antennas, all the other carriers, like AT&T, Sprint, and Comcast, can “co-locate” on same poll and start transmitting. Metal boxes will clutter our sidewalks.

What’s the smarter option? Safe fiber optics – which connect the Internet straight to you without paying a commercial carrier. There is no significant gap in coverage in Sonoma. We already have fiber optic cables in our streets. Fiber is 100X faster, safer, underground and un-hackable. It’s easier on the birds and the bees, and it would be locally owned, cheaper per gigabyte, and financially benefit the city of Sonoma.

The Napa/Sonoma Neighborhood Association is a community group organizing to prevent this cell tower invasion. For more information, send your contact info to:


  1. Karen Alexander Karen Alexander

    There is an intense discussion on Next Door where many people oppose the installation of the 5G towers. Reception is fine the way it is now. There is no need to have any more EMFs bombarding our brains.


    I have spent many many hours finding info about this topic.
    This 5g network is going to be able to control people thoughts and actions. A little secret the government does not want you to know is that Russia is way more advanced than usa in using frequency’s and waves to target humans to control peoples actions and thought process. At this very moment you are being effected from this technology coming from deep inside there country. It is being directed at usa and has been this way for many years. you can here this with your own ears if you have a scanner or short wave radio. Our government wont release any info as to what it is doing to us, they claim they do not know much about this kind of technology but it is referred to by people in the know and the government as the “woodpecker signal” because that is what it sounds like. I would highly recommend to watch this video on you tube by David Icke there is info about the woodpecker signal and other stuff here is a link
    copy and past into browser and watch the entire thing with an open mind. I would also find out more about “agenda 21” I am seeing rolled out across the us.

  3. snoop4truth snoop4truth


    Conspiracy promoters like Deborah Tavares of Sebastopol falsely claim that Agenda 21 is a U.N scheme which will drive us out of our rural and suburban homes and into tightly-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, none of this is so.

    Agenda 21 was a non-binding suggestion that the United Nations recommended to all its member nations in 1992. Under the United States Constitution, both the President and the Senate must consent to a proposed international treaty or convention before it becomes law in the United States. While the President symbolically signed Agenda 21, the Senate withheld its consent to Agenda 21.

    As a result, the United Sates government, as a whole, REJECTED Agenda 21 almost 30 years ago. That means Agenda 21 never applied in the United States and does not apply here now. So, whatever Agenda 21 “would have done” if it not been REJECTED is completely irrelevant. It was REJECTED.

    Likewise so-called “Agenda 21 Map” is entirely FAKE and had nothing to do with Agenda 21 in the first place. Instead, the fake “Agenda 21 Map” was an exaggeration created to generate United States Senate opposition to “The U.N. Treaty On Bio-Diversity” (something entirely different from Agenda 21). As it turned out, the United States also rejected The U.N. Treaty On Bio-Diversity. So, neither Agenda 21 nor The U.N. Treaty On Bio-Diversity (to which the fake Agenda 21 Map allegedly related) ever applied in the United States. BOTH WERE REJECTED.

    FOR PROOF, CLICK ON POST #5 HERE. REMEMBER, POST #5 HERE. Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares”, or click here.

  4. I am an attorney and an investigative journalist.

    Below is the analysis of the documents that Deborah Tavares uses to prove her claims about depopulation.

    1. “The NASA War Document “. The document is REAL, but it has been “modified” to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE and misleading TITLE and COVER. But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that NASA is already killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. The document is actually a power point presentation that a chief NASA scientist, Dennis Bushnell, created and used at a national convention of American DEFENSE contractors to urge them to develop countermeasures AGAINST the diabolical weapons described therein. For more on this and related claims, Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes), or click here.

    2. “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars”. The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL FICTION. It has also been “modified” to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE, recently-added PREFACE at the beginning which fraudulently indicates that it is the work of “The Bilderbergs”. It also now has several FAKE, recently-added paragraphs in its interior to fit that new PREFACE and which identify the global elite by name (neither of which was in the original). But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that “The Bilderbergs” adopted a plan in 1954 to kill us all with diabolical “silent weapons” in “quiet wars” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. Lyle Hartford Van Dyke wrote this tiny 44 page booklet in 1979 and created it to look like an official government document. But, it is actually POLITICAL FICTION. and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT about the treason and horrors suffered by U.S. soldiers when the U.S. government allegedly allowed them to be killed at Pearl Harbor in order to draw us into World War II. This tiny booklet has NOTHING to do with the Bilderbergs. Van Dyke openly admits to having incorporated sections of REAL (and frightening) economic, psychological and scientific studies into his work (all of which were written by EXPERTS in those particular fields) to make his work look more realistic. For more on this and related claims, Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes), or click here.

    3. “The Report From Iron Mountain” The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL SATIRE. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that ALL ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPHES (including climate change, drought, fires, etc.) ARE “ENGINEERED” by the U.S. government and used as “WEAPONS” to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind (something not in the book). But, her claims about this document are not so. Leonard C. Lewin wrote this book in 1967 and created it to look like an official government document. But, it is actually POLITICAL SATIRE and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT WHICH OPENLY MOCKS U.S. policy of engaging in perpetual wars to prop up the U.S. economy. The premise of the book is that THE U.S. IS SO DEPENDENT ON MILITARY SPENDING that “IF PEACE BROKE OUT”, we will be forced to create FAKE enemies (like “FAKE ALIEN LIFE FORMS” and ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPHES, like pollution) to “justify” our perpetual wars. The author DID NOT intend for the reader of his book to believe that the U.S. government was ACTUALLY CREATING “FAKE ALIEN LIFE FORMS” or ACTUALLY CREATING “ENGINEERED” ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPHES, like pollution. Instead, the author merely used those ABSURD examples TO MAKE A MOCKERY of the lengths that U.S. policy makers would go to in order to create “FAKE ENEMIES” to justify “FAKE WARS” against those “FAKE ENEMIES” to prop up the U.S. economy. For more on this and related claims, Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes), or click here.

    4. “Agenda 21”. Deborah Tavares supports this hoax with TWO DOCUMENTS,neither of which actually support her claims. First, the United Nations “Agenda 21” document itselfis REAL. So, the hoax is not that particular document. Second, the so-called “Agenda 21 Map” is FAKE and had nothing to do with “Agenda 21” in the first place. The hoax isDeborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that The AGENDA 21 DOCUMENT ALONE CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that Agenda 21 is a United Nations plot to expand the wilderness into areas already occupied by humans so as to drive us out of our rural and suburban homes and into tightly-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” in furtherance of the panned extinction of mankind. But, none of her claims about this document are so. Agenda 21 was merely a suggestion that the United Nations recommended to all its member nations in 1992. Member nations were permitted, BUT NOT REQUIRED to adopt Agenda 21 on their own. THE UNITED STATE REJECTED AGENDA 21. Under the United States Constitution, both the President and the Senate must consent to a proposed international treaty or convention before it becomes law in the United States. While the President ceremonially signed the Agenda 21 document, THE SENATE WITHHELD ITS CONSENT TO AGENDA 21. As a result, THE UNITED STATES REJECTED AGENDA 21 ALMOST 30 YEARS AGO. That means that Agenda 21 NEVER applied in the United States and does not apply to the United States now. So, whatever Agenda 21 “would have done” IF THE UNITED STATE HAD NOT REJECTED IT is completely irrelevant. The United States DID REJECT IT. Further, there in NOTHING anywhere in the Agenda 21 document itself which states, suggests or implies that it would have expanded the wilderness into areas already occupied by humans so as to drive us out of our rural and suburban homes and into tightly-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! The hoax is also Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE SO-CALLED “AGENDA 21 MAP” ALONE CONSTITUTES “PROOF” of land use in the United States under Agenda 21 and that THE SO-CALLED “AGENDA 21 MAP” ALONE CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that Agenda 21 will expand the expand the wilderness into areas already occupied by humans so as to drive us out of our rural and suburban homes and into tightly-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” in furtherance of the panned extinction of mankind. But, none of her claims about this document are so. The so-called “Agenda 21 Map” is entirely FAKE and had nothing to do with Agenda 21 in the first place. Instead, the so-called “Agenda 21 Map” was merely a WILDLY-EXAGGERATED piece of PROPAGANDA created by Michael Coffman to generate United States Senatorial opposition to “The U.N. Treaty On Bio-Diversity” (something entirely different from Agenda 21). This is why this FAKE map only depicts the United States, rather than all other member nations of the United Nations. As fate would have it, the United States Senate ALSO REJECTED The U.N. Treaty On Bio-Diversity. So, neither Agenda 21 nor The U.N. Treaty On Bio-Diversity (which the so-called “Agenda 21 Map” purported to illustrate) ever applied in the United States. The United States REJECTED BOTH OF THEM. The mere fact that some local elected governments have since passed some local regulations to protect some of the remaining environment has NOTHING to do with Agenda 21. These local elected governments merely concluded (entirely on their own) that some protection of the remaining environmental made sense. For more on this and related claims, Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes), or click here.

    5. “FORGED PG&E Email”. THE EMAILS ARE FORGERIES AND THE ALLEGATIONS CONTAINED IN THOSE FORGERIES ARE VERIFIABLY FALSE. PG&E is a California electrical utility company which collects and generates electricity in a variety of ways. But, PG&E’s ground-based solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during daylight hours in good weather. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future, solar panels on satellites in space might collect energy from the Sun 24 hours a day, then beam it to earth in the form of lasers or radio frequencies and then convert it to electricity here on earth for its customers. When the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and this technology for starting those fires. But, the scientific literature indicated that this technology did not yet exist. SO, TO REBUT THOSE FACTS, Deborah Tavares, herself, FORGED a series of FAKE emails (some purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to start such fires, among other things. Specifically, Deborah Tavares took the headings of “REAL” CPUC and “REAL” PG&E emails and AND SHE REPLACED THE TEXT OF THOSE EMAILS WITH TEXT THAT SHE WROTE HERSELF! THIS WHY THE FONT-TYPE, FONT-SIZE AND BOLDNESS OF THE TEXT IN THE HEADINGS OF THOSE EMAILS ARE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM THE FONT-TYPE, FONT-SIZE AND BOLDNESS OF THE BODIES OF THOSE EMAILS. LOOK AT THESE FORGERIES FOR YOURSELF! IT IS PERFECTLY OBVIOUS THAT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT DEBORAH TAVARES DID! Thus, Deborah Tavares, herself, actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE “PROOF” that PG&E used this technology (above) to start the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about these FORGED emails are not so. These FORGED EMAILS prove nothing except that Deborah Tavares is a fraud. For more on this and related claims, Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes), or click here.

    6. “The Genocide Agreement “. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. The “Genocide Agreement” is actually the nickname of a proposed 1940’s United Nations agreement BANNING GENOCIDE among signatory nations. The U.N. proposed the “Genocide Agreement” in direct response to the Holocaust and BANNED “GENOCIDE” and other harmful acts against identifiable groups of people, like racial and religious minorities. In 1988, the United States Senate approved the “Genocide Agreement” and President Reagan signed it into law. So, the hoax is not the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that the Genocide Agreement actually LEGALIZES GENOCIDE of entire populations. But, this is not so. The Genocide Agreement actually BANS GENOCIDE of entire populations. The hoax is also Deborah Tavares’ OWN (ENTIRELY INCONSISTENT AND CONTRADICTORY) claims that the “Genocide Agreement” DOES ACTUALLY BAN GENOCIDE, but that it ONLY BANS “NATIONS” FROM COMMITTING ACTS OF GENOCIDE and that THE UNITED STATES IS “NOT A NATION”, BECAUSE “IT IS A CORPORATION” (which is not governed by the agreement or the ban) which permits the United States to COMMIT GENOCIDE of entire populations on a “Day-by-Day” basis, which is why “WE ARE BEING EXTERMINATED”. But, the truth is that the United States is not really a “corporation” and the Genocide Agreement actually bans genocide in the United States and actually subjects those who commit genocide to criminal prosecution. Finally, the hoax is also Deborah Tavares’ OWN (ENTIRELY INCONSISTENT and CONTRADICTORY) claims that the genocide agreement DOES APPLY IN THE UNITED STATES and that it “INVADES DOMESTIC LAWS” and “ALLOWS FOREIGNERS TO ‘OVER-RIDE’ U.S. laws”. (Note that if the Genocide Agreement really “DID NOT APPLY” to the United States because it is a “CORPORATION”, it would be impossible for the Genocide Agreement TO SIMULTANEOUSLY APPLY in the United States so as to “invade” or “over-ride” any law in the United States.). Regardless, the truth is that the Genocide Agreement applies in the United States, but only “over-rides” U.S. law as to the specific acts banned by the agreement. Nothing more. For more on this and related claims, Google “The Hoaxes Of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes), or click here.

    • Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

      Wow dude, that is some comment!

    • Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

      Perhaps you can use your investigative skills to discover if any one person, ever, reads to the bottom of comments this long.

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