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Dear Mr. Thompson

I challenge you, Rep. Mike Thompson, to a debate — again. I ran against you in 2018, and challenged you then, but you must not have received my letter, which I sent to all of your offices, or seen it printed in the newspaper, or seen me at a half dozen of your town halls holding a sign that said “Debate me, Mike.” We were supposed to have a candidate forum, but due to an unfair bylaw of the League of Women Voters, it was canceled when you said you were unavailable, which prevented the voices of three candidates from being heard.

Well, there’s no election, now. We have more than a year and a half before the next one, so there’s lots of time, and no reason for excuses. Let’s have a series of six  debates in different cities in the district — Martinez, Vallejo, Napa, Sonoma, Santa Rosa and Kelseyville. We’ll be like a modern day Lincoln and Douglass. Let’s do it, not because of a past election or coming one, but because it will be great for the people of this district, not just to hear different opinions, but to be included in the discussion.

Let’s even include Charles Schaupp. All voices should be heard. Together we can bring some depth to the conversation and show all of the people how to listen to each other- something folks aren’t doing enough of these days. C’mon, Mike. Let’s try to bring the people together.

— Jason Kishineff, American Canyon

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    1. Joan Hamick Joan Hamick


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