A Sonoma Valley High School student was arrested Wednesday for allegedly posting threats about a planned school shooting that was to occur on Friday, March 1, 2019.
Police say the threat was made in Snapchat post.
The post was sent to a few students, which in turn brought it to the attention of school staff and police.
The threatening post was sent to several students about noon. It warned of a “shooting threat” at the school on March 1 and included the phrased “don’t go!” and “no joke.”
After several on-campus interviews, the suspect was identified as a 16-year-old student at the school. The juvenile was arrested on charges of Criminal Threats and False Report of Emergency, and booked into custody at juvenile hall.
Just last week, a student at Altimira Middle School was arrested for allegedly making gun threats on campus.
In a statement, Principal Justin Mori said, “Appropriate discipline/consequences will occur from both a law enforcement and school perspective to ensure the safety of our school campus.”
He also thanked the students and teachers who immediately reported the posted threat. “Please remember, ‘see something, say something’ does not mean ‘post something’. Please report posts such as these immediately and assist us by not spreading spreading rumors or fear.”
The school maintains a confidential tip line, 707-939-5541.
Um, did the kid make the threat or share news of the threat. Kind of a big difference.